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Alexis DeZubiria
Alexis, or "Lexi"joined LGBRC in 2022.
She excels in competing in cyclocross and
mountian bike racing. She states, "My husband, Ben Dodge, nurtured me back into the sport and provided exceptional guidance and support. He helped me from the ground up, through injuries, and self doubt. I already love the sport, he just makes me love it more."
She adds, " I am the 2022 Master Women 35-39 district champion!" I am fully employed as a PM in the Telecommunications industry. I build small cell sites for a living, and my job is to bring power and fiber to new nodes. I adore to spend time with my kids...all 6 of them!! And I have a soft spot for working in the garden. I do my best to maintain healthy personal relationships with friends old and new, as well as keep my family close."
"I am not a strong climber, so I have honed in on my technical skills. It will be a difficult challenge if someone out handles me on a descent or in a crit!"