Zhejin Huang (Jack)
is a category 4 racer who joined LGBRC in 2022. When asked how he got into racing, he commented, "I started casual cycling (mainly commuting) since 2008 when I was in high school. And after a long time, I joined LGBRC and started to think of competitive cycling. I did a lot of training during the past year to improve my 1 hour FTP from 220w to 310w. Now I'm back to LGBRC as a novice racer!"
His most notable cycling achievement? "Hilo to Mauna Kea finisher". He adds, "I'm an engineer at Apple since 2020, and I've been working on Apple Vision Pro. For the first 2 years I worked on improving power and performance, and the next 1.5 years on see-through technology. Now I'm on my 3rd team for the next generation product."
He adds, "I'm enthusiastic about efficient training, and I tried hard to maximize the performance improvement with limited amount of training time and efforts. Next step I aim to better understand how those training recipes improves performance, what are my strengths and weaknesses and where is my limitation."
links: My Strava page: https://www.strava.com/athletes/20095201 / https://www.strava.com/activities/
9785634144#3133995706987134144 |